German Language Classes and Tutoring

for School, Business, Travel, and Fun

Fair Prices! Quality Teaching!

Private and Group Lessons in High-German and Swiss-German

with Eugen Groff, 8041 Zürich

2004-2017 in Seattle/USA

Since 2017 back in Zürich


Friday, March 7, 2014

German with Eugen

Eugens Vokabel zum Tag

21. April 2024:
die Hypothek, -en --> the mortgage  
die Hypothekarzinsen --> the mortgage interests 

20. April 2024:
the audition --> das Vorsingen, Vorspielen, Anhörung

19. April 2024:
(chinese) characters --> (chinesische) Schriftzeichen, Buchstaben

18. April 2024:
gemäss --> according to

17. April 2024:
die Steckdose, -n --> the outlet (electric) 
der Stecker, - --> the plug, jack, connector (electric)
der Stromanschluss, ¨-e --> the electrical/power connection

16. April 2024:
an den Steuern abzuziehen --> to deduct from the taxes  
Steuerabzüge --> tax deductions 

15. April 2024:
Das wird sich noch weisen. --> That remains to be seen.

Eugens Sprichwort der Woche

15. - 21. April 2014:
Tritt ein, bring Glück herein. 

8. - 14. April 2024:
Trink, was klar ist; iss, was gar ist; sag, was wahr ist. 

1 comment:

  1. I want to share with you all here on how I got my loan from Mr Benjamin who helped me with a loan of 400,000.00 Euro to improve my business, It was easy and swift when i applied for the loan when things were getting rough with my business Mr Benjamin granted me loan without delay. Here is Mr Benjamin email/whatsapp contact: +1 989-394-3740,
