German Language Classes and Tutoring

for School, Business, Travel, and Fun

Fair Prices! Quality Teaching!

Private and Group Lessons in High-German and Swiss-German

with Eugen Groff, 8041 Zürich

2004-2017 in Seattle/USA

Since 2017 back in Zürich


Friday, March 7, 2014

German with Eugen

Eugens Vokabel zum Tag

12. Mai 2024:
unbedingt -->
absolutely, unconditionally, by all means, at all costs, at any price; 
[also legal: without prohibition] 

11. Mai 2024:
zu denken an --> to think of, reckon
nachzudenken über --> to contemplate, ponder, reflect

10. Mai 2024:
hartnäckig --> persistent  

9. Mai 2024:
in Zürich tief verwurzelt sein --> to be deeply rooted in Zürich
tiefe Wurzeln schlagen in --> to take deep roots in 

8. Mai 2024:
einfallen --> to occur, come into mind, cross someone's mind
[also: collapse, invade]

7. Mai 2024:
irgend- --> some ...
irgendein --> somebody, someone, something
irgendein Glas --> some glass (or other) 
irgendwann --> sometime (or other), anytime, whenever you like
irgendwas --> something (or other), anything
irgendwelche --> any, no matter which
irgendwer --> somebody/someone (or other)
irgendwie --> somehow (or other), someway, in some way
irgendwo --> somewhere (or other), anywhere, some place  

6. Mai 2024:
unbeschwert --> unburdened

Eugens Sprichwort der Woche

13. - 19. Mai 2024:
Tugenden muss man achten, Untugenden kann man lieben.

1. - 12. Mai 2024:
Tue Gutes und rede darüber.